Sunday, November 17, 2013

New Ward, New Companion -- November 12, 2013

This week has been pretty great! And you need to stop finding things out before I tell you! Hahaha. Yep, I'm in the Grand Junction 5th ward, with Sister Keihle. Funny thing about that, Sister Keihle is my grandma! She trained my mom, Sister Jensen :) And yes, we do live just a few apartments away from the single's ward sisters. And we see them pretty often... haha. I mean, we HAD to the first few days, because we didn't have a phone. Okay wait background on why that's important: Sister Keihle and I are opening 5th ward for sisters. There's already a set of elders here (Elder Hale and Elder Pulsipher - they're super funny! Anyways), but they've never had sisters and now, like GJ 1st ward, they get sisters and elders! So Sister Keihle and I are laying the foundation/groundwork for all the future sisters who come into the area. WELL we finish up transfer meeting and we go out to get all our stuff when we realize we don't have a phone. Yeah, the APs left it in Denver. It's a little hard to start up an area, introduce yourself to people, and make the necessary phone calls when you lack the phone. Thankfully on Friday our zone leaders brought it by our apartment.

So this last week Sister Keihle and I have been super busy but we haven't actually managed to find any investigators yet! We got a list of less actives and part member families to try, as well as potential investigators. Even with little "success", I'm personally not that stressed out by it. I know that since we're working SUPER hard, eventually we'll see the blessings. Besides, we've already seen some miraculous things! For instance: Back at the beginning of October, Sister Masima and I were on exchanges with Sister Bennett, and we talked with/sang to this guy, Pete. Pete LOVED us and said we could come by his home and teach him/pray with him. But he lived WAY far away. Totally not in 1st ward. So I gave the referral to the mission office and told them he'd prefer sisters (he told us this). WELL, first night in 5th ward and who should the elders tell us to go see but PETE! Yep, that way far away place is in 5th ward boundaries. We stopped by his house and he remembered me! We're pretty excited to start teaching him. Also this week, we met an angel! We decided he was one of the 3 Nephites. Hahaha. He's totally not but we still like to joke about it. Backstory: Sister Keihle and I randomly decide to try this less active family who are apparently friends with one of our potential investigators. No answer, and since we have no investigators, we decide to tract around the neighborhood. I see this guy on a bench and I'm like "Sister Keihle, we have to talk to him!" As we walk over he looks up and we say hi, how are you, etc. Then he goes "I just saw some elders up here yesterday. Are you sharing the area or is this the boundary?" or something like that. Whatever he said, he knew too much. I asked him "Are you a member?" and he says "Yeah." and Sister Keihle and myself are like "Dangit!" Hahaha. Anyways, we get to talking and find out that he's working for Vivint and going to BYU. He had to come up to GJ for half of the week because he needed to earn rent money. He went on his mission to Brazil and was asking us about the work in America/what our work specifically was like. We told him about the prayer approach and he asked if we could pray with him and then as we were talking he goes "Can I say the prayer?". He prayed for us, which was incredible, and then he took us on a little tour of the neighborhood and gave us a couple of homes he thought would be receptive to our message. You know how in D&C, it says that the Lord sends His angels before you to prepare his people? Well, Tommy was certainly that angel. It's just amazing what the Lord can do, and how he answers prayers through other people!

The members in 5th ward are awesome. They're all so excited to have sisters in the ward! We've felt very welcomed and we're excited to see what we can do here :) This should be a fun transfer! :)

Oh, my new address is 246 Belford Ave #7, Grand Junction, CO 81501

LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!

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